
C# (C-Sharp)

By Robert Sheldon

What is C# (C-Sharp)?

C#, pronounced "C-sharp," is an object-oriented programming language from Microsoft that enables developers to build applications that run on the .NET platform. C# has its roots in the C family of programming languages and shares many of the same characteristics as those found in C and C++, as well as in Java and JavaScript.

The C# language was developed within Microsoft primarily by Anders Hejlsberg, Scott Wiltamuth and Peter Golde. Microsoft released the first widely distributed implementation of C# in July 2000 as part of its .NET framework initiative. C# was intended to be a simple, modern and general-purpose programming language that could be used to develop software components for a distributed environment. The newly released C# emphasized source code portability with support for both hosted and embedded systems.

The following figure shows the C# code for a simple console application as it appears in Visual Studio. The application adds together two integers that are entered by the user and then returns the total to the console.

C# provides a basic, readable language for building an application's logic, while hiding much of the underlying complexity of the language's inherent capabilities. The language is currently standardized under the specification ISO/IEC 23270: Information technology -- Programming languages -- C#. The specification was originally based on a submission from Hewlett-Packard, Intel and Microsoft. It is in its third edition, which was released in 2018.

Since its introduction, C# has been widely adopted and is the de facto programming language for most Windows-based development. The language, along with the .NET framework, can also be used to develop applications for systems running Linux, macOS, iOS or Android, although C# is used primarily to develop Windows applications.

C# is considered a strongly typed language, which means that every variable and constant has a type, as do expressions that evaluate to values. The type describes the structure and behavior of the data. This is important when defining and working with variables, which can be thought of as instances of types. C# supports two categories of types:

When building C# applications, developers can use type declarations to create new types. A type declaration defines the name and members of the new type. Type declarations are based on six of the subcategories available to value and reference types. They include struct types, enum types, tuple value types, class types, interface types and delegate types.

C# and the .NET framework

C# is designed to work with Microsoft's .NET platform, a software ecosystem for developing, compiling and running application code. The platform includes the common language runtime (CLR) and a set of class libraries.

The CLR runs the code and provides services that enable and enhance application development and cross-platform designs. It also offers high-level support for programming languages such as C#, F# and Visual Basic.

When a developer builds a C# application, the source code is compiled into an intermediate language (IL) that conforms to the Common Language Infrastructure standard. The IL code and other application resources are stored in an assembly that is loaded into the CLR when the application runs. The CLR converts the IL code to native machine instructions using a just-in-time compilation process.

The CLR and .NET platform also include features to help streamline and enhance application development:

The .NET framework also supports Language-Integrated Query (LINQ), a set of technologies that integrate query capabilities directly into the C# language. In addition to simplifying data access, LINQ offers developers a consistent experience when accessing data from objects, relational databases or Extensible Markup Language resources.

Check out our breakdown of object-oriented programming concepts.

01 Dec 2022

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